
Dataset splitting

mlpack provides a simple functions for splitting a dataset into a training set and a test set.

πŸ”— data::SplitData()

πŸ”— data::StratifiedSplit()

πŸ”— Parameters

name type description default
input arma::mat Column-major data matrix. (N/A)
inputLabels arma::Row<size_t> Labels for data matrix. Should have length data.n_cols. (N/A)
trainData arma::mat& Matrix to store training points in. Will be set to size data.n_rows x ((1.0 - testRatio) * data.n_cols). (N/A)
testData arma::mat& Matrix to store test points in. Will be set to size data.n_rows x testRatio * data.n_cols. (N/A)
trainLabels arma::Row<size_t>& Vector to store training labels in. Will be set to length trainData.n_cols. (N/A)
testLabels arma::Row<size_t>& Vector to store test labels in. Will be set to length testData.n_cols. (N/A)
testRatio double Fraction of columns in input to use for test set. Typically between 0.1 and 0.25. (N/A)
shuffleData bool If true, then training and test sets are sampled randomly from input. true


πŸ”— Example usage

Split the unlabeled cloud dataset, using 20% of the dataset for the test set.

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("cloud.csv", dataset, true);

arma::mat trainData, testData;

// Split the data, using 20% of the data for the test set.
mlpack::data::Split(dataset, trainData, testData, 0.2);

// Print the size of each matrix.
std::cout << "Full data size:     " << dataset.n_rows << " x " << dataset.n_cols
    << "." << std::endl;

std::cout << "Training data size: " << trainData.n_rows << " x "
    << trainData.n_cols << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test data size:     " << testData.n_rows << " x "
    << testData.n_cols << "." << std::endl;

Split the mixed categorical telecom_churn dataset and associated responses for regression, using 25% of the dataset for the test set. Use 32-bit floating point elements to represent both the data and responses.

// See
arma::fmat dataset;
mlpack::data::DatasetInfo info; // Holds which dimensions are categorical.
mlpack::data::Load("telecom_churn.arff", dataset, info, true);

// See
arma::frowvec labels;
mlpack::data::Load("telecom_churn.responses.csv", labels, true);

arma::fmat trainData, testData;
arma::frowvec trainLabels, testLabels;

// Split the data, using 25% of the data for the test set.
// Note that Split() can accept many different types for the data and the
// labels---here we pass arma::frowvec instead of arma::Row<size_t>.
mlpack::data::Split(dataset, labels, trainData, testData, trainLabels,
    testLabels, 0.25);

// Print the size of each matrix.
std::cout << "Full data size:       " << dataset.n_rows << " x "
    << dataset.n_cols << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Full labels size:     " << labels.n_elem << "." << std::endl;

std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "Training data size:   " << trainData.n_rows << " x "
    << trainData.n_cols << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Training labels size: " << trainLabels.n_elem << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test data size:     " << testData.n_rows << " x "
    << testData.n_cols << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Test labels size:   " << testLabels.n_elem << "." << std::endl;

Split the movielens dataset, which is a sparse matrix. Don’t shuffle when splitting.

// See
arma::sp_mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("movielens-100k.csv", dataset, true);

arma::sp_mat trainData, testData;

// Split the dataset without shuffling.
mlpack::data::Split(dataset, trainData, testData, 0.2, false);

// Print the first point of the dataset and the training set (these will be the
// same because we did not shuffle during splitting).
std::cout << "First point of full dataset:" << std::endl;
std::cout << dataset.col(0).t() << std::endl;

std::cout << "First point of training set:" << std::endl;
std::cout << trainData.col(0).t() << std::endl;

// Print the last point of the dataset and the test set (these will also be the
// same).
std::cout << "Last point of full dataset:" << std::endl;
std::cout << dataset.col(dataset.n_cols - 1).t() << std::endl;

std::cout << "Last point of test set:" << std::endl;
std::cout << testData.col(testData.n_cols - 1).t() << std::endl;

Perform a stratified sampling of the covertype dataset, printing the percentage of each class in the original dataset and in the split datasets.

// See
arma::mat dataset;
mlpack::data::Load("", dataset, true);

// See
arma::Row<size_t> labels;
mlpack::data::Load("covertype.labels.csv", labels, true);

arma::mat trainData, testData;
arma::Row<size_t> trainLabels, testLabels;

// Perform a stratified split, keeping 15% of the data as a test set.
mlpack::data::StratifiedSplit(dataset, labels, trainData, testData, trainLabels,
    testLabels, 0.15);

// Now compute the percentage of each label in the dataset.
const size_t numClasses = arma::max(labels) + 1;
arma::vec classPercentages(numClasses);
for (size_t i = 0; i < labels.n_elem; ++i)
  ++classPercentages[(size_t) labels[i]];
classPercentages /= labels.n_elem;

std::cout << "Percentages of each class in the full dataset:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i)
  std::cout << " - Class " << i << ": " << 100.0 * classPercentages[i] << "%."
      << std::endl;

// Now compute the percentage of each label in the training set.
for (size_t i = 0; i < trainLabels.n_elem; ++i)
  ++classPercentages[(size_t) trainLabels[i]];
classPercentages /= trainLabels.n_elem;

std::cout << "Percentages of each class in the training set:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i)
  std::cout << " - Class " << i << ": " << 100.0 * classPercentages[i] << "%."
      << std::endl;

// Finally compute the percentage of each label in the test set.
for (size_t i = 0; i < testLabels.n_elem; ++i)
  ++classPercentages[(size_t) testLabels[i]];
classPercentages /= testLabels.n_elem;

std::cout << "Percentages of each class in the training set:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i)
  std::cout << " - Class " << i << ": " << 100.0 * classPercentages[i] << "%."
      << std::endl;