

mlpack has support for a number of different distributions, each supporting the same API. These can be used with, for instance, the HMM class.

πŸ”— DiscreteDistribution

DiscreteDistribution represents a multidimensional categorical distribution (or generalized Bernoulli distribution) where integer-valued vectors (e.g. [0, 3, 4]) are associated with specific probabilities in each dimension.

Example: a 3-dimensional DiscreteDistribution will have a specific probability value associated with each integer value in each dimension. So, for the vector [0, 3, 4], P(0) in dimension 0 could be, e.g., 0.3, P(3) in dimension 1 could be, e.g., 0.4, and P(4) in dimension 2 could be, e.g., 0.6. Then, P([0, 3, 4]) would be 0.3 * 0.4 * 0.6 = 0.072.

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Sample from the distribution

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create a single-dimension Bernoulli distribution: P([0]) = 0.3, P([1]) = 0.7.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution bernoulli(2);
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[0] = 0.3;
bernoulli.Probabilities(0)[1] = 0.7;

const double p1 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("0")); // p1 = 0.3.
const double p2 = bernoulli.Probability(arma::vec("1")); // p2 = 0.7.

// Create a 3-dimensional discrete distribution by specifying the probabilities
// manually.
arma::vec probDim0 = arma::vec("0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1"); // 4 possible values.
arma::vec probDim1 = arma::vec("0.7 0.3");         // 2 possible values.
arma::vec probDim2 = arma::vec("0.4 0.4 0.2");     // 3 possible values.
std::vector<arma::vec> probs { probDim0, probDim1, probDim2 };
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d(probs);

arma::vec obs("2 0 1");
const double p3 = d.Probability(obs); // p3 = 0.5 * 0.7 * 0.4 = 0.14.

// Estimate a 10-dimensional discrete distribution.
// Each dimension takes values between 0 and 9.
arma::mat observations = arma::randi<arma::mat>(10, 1000,
    arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of the 10 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution d2(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10"));

// Compute the probabilities of each point.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The DiscreteDistribution class takes two template parameters:

DiscreteDistribution<MatType, ObsMatType>

The code below uses a DiscreteDistribution built on 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of 3 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution<arma::fmat> d(arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10"));

// Train the distribution on random data.
arma::fmat observations =
    arma::randi<arma::fmat>(3, 100, arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Compute and print the probability of [8, 6, 7].
const float p = d.Probability(arma::fvec("8 6 7"));
std::cout << "Probability of [8, 6, 7]: " << p << "." << std::endl;

The code below uses a DiscreteDistribution that internally uses float to hold probabilities, but accepts unsigned ints as observations.

// Create a distribution with 10 observations in each of 3 dimensions.
mlpack::DiscreteDistribution<arma::fmat, arma::umat> d(
    arma::Col<size_t>("10 10 10"));

// Train the distribution on random data.  Note that the observation type is a
// matrix of unsigned ints (arma::umat).
arma::umat observations =
    arma::randi<arma::umat>(3, 100, arma::distr_param(0, 9));

// Compute and print the probability of [8, 6, 7].  Note that the input vector
// is a vector of unsigned ints (arma::uvec), but the returned probability is a
// float because MatType is set to arma::fmat.
const float p = d.Probability(arma::uvec("8 6 7"));
std::cout << "Probability of [8, 6, 7]: " << p << "." << std::endl;

// Print the probability vector for dimension 0.
std::cout << "Probabilities for observations in dimension 0: "
    << d.Probabilities(0).t() << std::endl;

πŸ”— GaussianDistribution

GaussianDistribution is a standard multivariate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and covariance. (For a Gaussian distribution with a diagonal covariance, see DiagonalGaussianDistribution.)

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Sample from the distribution

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create a Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and unit
// covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
g.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set a random covariance.
arma::mat newCov(3, 3, arma::fill::randu);
newCov *= newCov.t(); // Ensure covariance is positive semidefinite.
g.Covariance(std::move(newCov)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::GaussianDistribution g2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The GaussianDistribution class takes one template parameter:


The code below uses a Gaussian distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Gaussian distribution with
// random mean and unit covariance.
mlpack::GaussianDistribution<arma::fmat> g(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;

πŸ”— DiagonalGaussianDistribution

DiagonalGaussianDistribution is a standard multiviate Gaussian distribution with parameterized mean and diagonal covariance. (For a full-covariance Gaussian distribution, see GaussianDistribution.)

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Sample from the distribution

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create a diagonal Gaussian distribution in 3 dimensions with zero mean and
// unit covariance.
mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution d(3);

// Compute the probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = d.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Modify the mean in dimension 0.
d.Mean()[0] = 0.5;

// Set the covariance to a random diagonal.
arma::vec newCovDiag(3, arma::fill::randu);
d.Covariance(std::move(newCovDiag)); // Set new covariance.

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = d.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

// Create a diagonal Gaussian distribution that is estimated from random samples
// in 50 dimensions.
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn); // Normally distributed.

mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution d2(50);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
d2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The DiagonalGaussianDistribution class takes one template parameter:


The code below uses a Gaussian distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Gaussian distribution with
// random mean and covariance.
mlpack::DiagonalGaussianDistribution<arma::fmat> g(
        arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3), arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3));

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;

πŸ”— GammaDistribution

GammaDistribution is a multivariate Gamma distribution with two parameters for shape (alpha) and inverse scale (beta). Certain settings of these parameters yield the exponential distribution, Chi-squared distribution, and Erlang distribution. This family of distributions is commonly used in Bayesian statistics. See more on Wikipedia.

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Sample points from the distribution

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create a Gamma distribution in 3 dimensions with ones for the alpha (shape)
// parameters and random beta (inverse scale) parameters.
mlpack::GammaDistribution g(arma::ones<arma::vec>(3) /* shape */,
                            arma::randu<arma::vec>(3) /* scale */);

// Compute the probability and log-probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp = g.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Modify the scale and inverse shape parameters in dimension 0.
g.Alpha(0) = 0.5;
g.Beta(0) = 3.0;

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = g.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp2 = g.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "After parameter changes:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Create a Gamma distribution that is estimated from random samples in 5
// dimensions.  Note that the samples here are uniformly distributed---so a
// Gamma distribution fit will not be a good one!
arma::mat samples(5, 1000, arma::fill::randu);
samples += 2.0; // Shift samples away from zero.

mlpack::GammaDistribution g2(samples, 1e-3 /* tolerance for fitting */);

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
g2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The GammaDistribution class takes one template parameter:


The code below uses a Gamma distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Laplace distribution with
// ones for the shape parameter and random scale parameters.
mlpack::GammaDistribution<arma::fmat> g(arma::ones<arma::fvec>(3) /* shape */,
                                        arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3) /* scale */);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;

πŸ”— LaplaceDistribution

LaplaceDistribution is a multivariate Laplace distribution parameterized by a mean vector and a single scale value. The Laplace distribution is sometimes also called the double exponential distribution. See more on Wikipedia.

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Sample points from the distribution

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create a Laplace distribution in 3 dimensions with uniform random mean and
// scale parameter 1.
mlpack::LaplaceDistribution l(arma::randu<arma::vec>(3) /* mean */,
                              1.0 /* scale */);

// Compute the probability and log-probability of the point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p = l.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp = l.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Modify the scale, and the mean in dimension 1.
l.Scale() = 2.0;
l.Mean()[1] = 1.5;

// Compute the probability of the same point [0, 0.5, 0.25].
const double p2 = l.Probability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));
const double lp2 = l.LogProbability(arma::vec("0 0.5 0.25"));

std::cout << "After parameter changes:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Probability of [0 0.5 0.25]:     " << p << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of [0 0.5 0.25]: " << lp << "." << std::endl;

// Create a Laplace distribution that is estimated from random samples in 50
// dimensions.  Note that the samples here are normally distributed---so a Gamma
// distribution fit will not be a good one!
arma::mat samples(50, 10000, arma::fill::randn);

mlpack::LaplaceDistribution l2;

// Compute the probability of all of the samples.
arma::vec probabilities;
l2.Probability(samples, probabilities);

std::cout << "Average probability is: " << arma::mean(probabilities) << "."
    << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The LaplaceDistribution class takes one template parameter:


The code below uses a Laplace distribution to make predictions with 32-bit floating point numbers.

// Create a 3-dimensional 32-bit floating point Laplace distribution with
// random mean and scale of 2.0.
mlpack::LaplaceDistribution<arma::fmat> g(arma::randu<arma::fvec>(3), 2.0);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
const float p = g.Probability(arma::fvec("0.2 0.3 0.4"));

std::cout << "Probability of (0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;

πŸ”— RegressionDistribution

The RegressionDistribution is a Gaussian distribution fitted on the errors of a linear regression model. Given a point x with response y, the probability of (y, x) is computed using a univariate Gaussian distribution on the scalar residual y - y', where y' is the linear regression model’s prediction on x.

This class is meant to be used with mlpack’s HMM class for the task of HMM regression (pdf).

πŸ”— Constructors

πŸ”— Access and modify properties of distribution

πŸ”— Compute probabilities of points

πŸ”— Fit the distribution to observations

Training a RegressionDistribution on a given set of labeled observations is done by first training a LinearRegression model on the dataset, and then subsequently training a univariate GaussianDistribution on the residual error of each data point.

In the Train() overloads, the observations matrix is expected to contain both the responses and the data points (predictors).

Note: if the linear regression model is able to exactly fit the observations, then the resulting Gaussian distribution will have zero-valued standard deviation, and Probability() will return 1 for points that are perfectly fit and 0 otherwise.

πŸ”— Example usage

// Create an example dataset that arises from a noisy random linear model:
//   y = bx + noise
// Noise is added from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance.
// Data is 10-dimensional, and we will generate 1000 points.
arma::vec b(10, arma::fill::randu);
arma::mat x(10, 1000, arma::fill::randu);

arma::rowvec y = b.t() * x + arma::randn<arma::rowvec>(1000);

// Now fit a RegressionDistribution to the data.
mlpack::RegressionDistribution r(x, y);

// Print information about the distribution.
std::cout << "RegressionDistribution model parameters:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - " << r.Parameters().subvec(1, r.Parameters().n_elem - 1).t();
std::cout << " - Bias: " << r.Parameters()[0] << "." << std::endl;
std::cout << "True model parameters:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " - " << b.t();
std::cout << "Error Gaussian mean is " << r.Err().Mean()[0] << ", with "
    << "variance " << r.Err().Covariance()[0] << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

// Compute the probability of a point in the training set.  We must assemble the
// points into a single vector.
arma::vec p1(11); // p1 will be point 5 from (x, y).
p1[0] = y[5];
p1.subvec(1, p1.n_elem - 1) = x.col(5);
std::cout << "Probability of point 5:      " << r.Probability(p1) << "."
    << std::endl;

arma::vec p2(11, arma::fill::randu);
std::cout << "Probability of random point: " << r.Probability(p2) << "."
    << std::endl;

// Print log-probabilities too.
std::cout << "Log-probability of point 5:      " << r.LogProbability(p1) << "."
    << std::endl;
std::cout << "Log-probability of random point: " << r.LogProbability(p2) << "."
    << std::endl << std::endl;

// Change the error distribution.
y = b.t() * x + (1.5 * arma::randn<arma::rowvec>(1000));

// Combine x and y to build the observations matrix for Train().
arma::mat observations(x.n_rows + 1, x.n_cols);
observations.row(0) = y;
observations.rows(1, observations.n_rows - 1) = x;

// Assign a random probability for each point.
arma::rowvec observationProbabilities(observations.n_cols, arma::fill::randu);

// Refit the distribution to the new data.
r.Train(observations, observationProbabilities);

// Print new error distribution information.
std::cout << "Updated error Gaussian mean is " << r.Err().Mean()[0] << ", with "
    << "variance " << r.Err().Covariance()[0] << "." << std::endl << std::endl;

// Compute average probability of points in the dataset.
arma::vec probabilities;
r.Probability(observations, probabilities);
std::cout << "Average probability of points in `observations`: "
    << arma::mean(probabilities) << "." << std::endl;

πŸ”— Using different element types

The RegressionDistribution class takes one template parameter:


The code below uses a regression distribution trained on 32-bit floating point data.

// Create an example dataset that arises from a noisy random linear model:
//   y = bx + noise
// Noise is added from a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance.
// Data is 3-dimensional, and we will generate 1000 points.
arma::fvec b(3, arma::fill::randu);
arma::fmat x(3, 1000, arma::fill::randu);

arma::frowvec y = b.t() * x + arma::randn<arma::frowvec>(1000);

// Now fit a RegressionDistribution to the data.
mlpack::RegressionDistribution<arma::fmat> r(x, y);

// Compute the probability of the point [0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].
// (Here 0.5 is the response, and [0.2, 0.3, 0.4] is the point.)
const float p = r.Probability(arma::fvec("0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4"));
std::cout << "Probability of (0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4): " << p << "." << std::endl;