
🔗 Run mlpack bindings on Raspberry Pi

In this article, we explore how to run mlpack command-line programs on a Raspberry Pi 2. mlpack is a great choice for machine learning tasks on embedded and low-resource hardware (like the Raspberry Pi) due to its design as a lightweight header-only C++ library with a focus on efficiency.

mlpack provides convenient command-line bindings for many of its algorithms. In this tutorial, we are going to compile the k-nearest-neighbors command-line program (kNN), and then run it on a Pi 2.

Since the Pi 2 has 1 GB of RAM, compilation of mlpack code directly on the Pi can be challenging. Depending on the OS you are using, 250 MB or more of the RAM may already be in use just by the system. This leaves us with around 750 MB of RAM, and given that the Pi 2 has only ARMv7 core clocked at 1 GHz, it might take a lot of time for the compilation to finish. As a result it will be much easier to cross-compile mlpack on a more powerful development system, and then move the compiled code directly to the Raspberry Pi.

🔗 Setup cross-compilation toolchain

The first step is to download a cross compiler toolchain that is going to run on an x86_64 machine (the host) and produce binaries that runs on an ARMv7 machine (this is the Raspberry Pi, the target). There are several toolchains around, but the Bootlin toolchains are probably the easiest to set up and use. Bootlin has produced toolchains for all kind of architectures (ARMv7, ARMv8, Sparc, MIPS, RISC-V, etc.), with three different sets of compilers. To get the toolchain please visit the following website:

You need to select the architecture and the compiler set. In our case, we are looking for the arch armv7-eabihf, and the libc glibc. You can also use musl or uclibc if you are interested in reducing the size of the compiled programs. However, in this tutorial, we will stick to glibc for simplicity.

If you want to get a link directly to the toolchain and download it with wget use the following command:


Once we have downloaded the toolchain we can extract the content using the following command:

tar -xvf armv7-eabihf--glibc--stable-2024.02-1.tar.bz2

Once we have done that, now the toolchain is ready. Feel free to explore inside the toolchain; you will find the basic set of compilers in addition to a sysroot/ folder that contains headers for standard libraries.

🔗 Download and setup mlpack

Now, we will use this toolchain to compile mlpack. The first thing is to get the mlpack sources. You can either download the archive file of the latest version from here, or clone the repository if you prefer to use the development version. In this case we will clone the repository:

git clone

Once we have downloaded the source code, now we need to get mlpack’s external dependencies. mlpack has three dependencies:

Armadillo itself can use several backends. In this tutorial we will use OpenBLAS since it is optimized on a broad range of different architectures.

To get the dependencies we have two solutions: either we download them manually, or we use the autodownloader. The three direct dependencies (ensmallen/cereal/Armadillo) are all header-only and thus it suffices to simply download and unpack the sources, but Armadillo’s backend (the BLAS/LAPACK implementation) generally is not and so it will need to be cross-compiled for the target.

In this tutorial we use the autodownloader since it automates the entire process, including the cross-compilation of OpenBLAS. The first step is to create a build directory, just like the regular build process:

cd mlpack/
mkdir build
cd build

🔗 Compile mlpack_knn for the RPi

The next step is to use CMake to configure the build. In this command we are telling CMake to use a specific compiler in addition to pointing out the sysroot that will indicate where the headers and standard C++ library are. When cross-compiling, we cannot use the host system headers or try to link against libraries built for the host. We specify the board name to be RPI2 so that mlpack will configure the compilation options specifically for the Raspberry Pi 2. Other options for the board name are available—for instance, CORTEXA7 could be used too. You will need to replace /path/to/bootlin/toolchain/ in the TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX and CMAKE_SYSROOT arguments with the location of where you unpacked the cross-compilation toolchain.

cmake \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../CMake/crosscompile-toolchain.cmake \
    -DTOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=/path/to/bootlin/toolchain/armv7-eabihf--glibc--stable-2024.02-1/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf- \
    -DCMAKE_SYSROOT=/path/to/bootlin/toolchain/armv7-eabihf--glibc--stable-2024.02-1/arm-buildroot-linux-gnueabihf/sysroot \

CMake will pull the dependencies and crosscompile OpenBLAS for us. Once this has finished, now we just need to call make to compile all of the mlpack command-line programs and tests. To do this use the following command:

make -jN

Replace N with the number of cores you have on your machine.

Alternately, we can compile one method. In this case, let us try to compile the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) command-line program using the following command:

make mlpack_knn

Once the above step is completed, we can check the produced binary using the following command:

file bin/mlpack_knn

This should produce output similar to below, which shows us that we have compiled a program specifically built to run on the Raspberry Pi:

mlpack_knn: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

🔗 Copy to the RPi and run!

Now, we can use the cross-compiled kNN binary. This command will build all the apps for each one of the algorithms and also build the tests for us. Once this is done we can transfer all of that to the Pi using scp, assuming that the Pi is available on the network and is running an SSH server. You will have to change the path and the IP (e.g. the part) to match your setup.

scp /path/to/mlpack/build/bin/mlpack_knn

All of the above apps are statically linked, so they will just run directly on the Pi without any need to install shared libraries. Now let us try to run kNN on the covertype dataset. This dataset is already hosted on mlpack’s website. To pull the dataset run the following commands on the Pi:

gzip -d covertype.csv.gz

Then to run kNN on the Pi the following command can be used:

./mlpack_knn \
    -v \
    --k=5 \
    --reference_file=covertype.csv \
    --distances_file=distances.csv \

This might take a couple of minutes and around 350 MB of RAM or more. When finished, it will produce two files. The first one is distances.csv, which contains the distances between each point in covertype.csv and its 5 nearest neighbors. The second one is neighbors.csv, which contains the indices of the 5 nearest neighbors of every point in covertype.csv.

If you run mlpack_knn in verbose mode you will get the following information when the software is running:

[INFO ] Using reference data from Loading 'covertype.csv' as CSV data.  Size is 55 x 581012.
[INFO ] 'covertype.csv' (581012x55 matrix).
[INFO ] Building reference tree...
[INFO ] Tree built.
[INFO ] Searching for 5 neighbors with dual-tree kd-tree search...
[INFO ] 31549204 node combinations were scored.
[INFO ] 43163564 base cases were calculated.
[INFO ] Search complete.
[INFO ] Saving CSV data to 'distances.csv'.
[INFO ] Saving CSV data to 'neighbors.csv'.
[INFO ] Execution parameters:
[INFO ]   algorithm: dual_tree
[INFO ]   distances_file: 'distances.csv' (0x0 matrix)
[INFO ]   epsilon: 0
[INFO ]   help: 0
[INFO ]   info:
[INFO ]   input_model_file:
[INFO ]   k: 5
[INFO ]   leaf_size: 20
[INFO ]   neighbors_file: 'neighbors.csv' (0x0 matrix)
[INFO ]   output_model_file:
[INFO ]   query_file: ''
[INFO ]   random_basis: 0
[INFO ]   reference_file: 'covertype.csv' (581012x55 matrix)
[INFO ]   rho: 0.7
[INFO ]   seed: 0
[INFO ]   tau: 0
[INFO ]   tree_type: kd
[INFO ]   true_distances_file: ''
[INFO ]   true_neighbors_file: ''
[INFO ]   verbose: 1
[INFO ]   version: 0
[INFO ] Program timers:
[INFO ]   computing_neighbors: 137.534496s (2 mins, 17.5 secs)
[INFO ]   loading_data: 36.735195s
[INFO ]   saving_data: 31.942527s
[INFO ]   total_time: 196.848276s (3 mins, 16.8 secs)
[INFO ]   tree_building: 22.569215s

If you run into problems, be sure that there is enough RAM for this dataset; if not, you can reduce the size of the dataset (simply by deleting some rows from the file) to save some memory.

In the next tutorial we will see how to build cross-compilation Makefile to build one of the examples that we have in the mlpack/examples repository.