[mlpack] Call for mlpack 3.3.0 blocking issues/PRs

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Wed Feb 19 17:42:09 EST 2020

Hey there everyone,

I had been planning to push for an mlpack 3.3.0 release once the Julia
bindings were available in Julia, so that you can do `Pkg.add("mlpack")`
from Julia and it works.  Today I submitted the mlpack.jl package to the
Julia package registry:


meaning that we're no longer blocked on mlpack 3.3.0 and we can push
forward with a release.

So, I wanted to collect a list of issues and PRs that need to be
addressed before a 3.3.0 release.  Here are the ones we've already


If you're involved with an issue or PR that you feel we should delay the
release of 3.3.0 for, reply to this email or get in touch however you
like and let's see what we can get done.

Note that we do release pretty often now (much more than we used to!) so
if you're working on an issue or PR and it doesn't make 3.3.0, well, we
can release 3.3.1 (or whatever version) soon thereafter.



Ryan Curtin    | "He takes such wonderful pictures with
ryan at ratml.org | his paws."  - Radio man

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