[mlpack] GSOC Cool Idea

muresan mircea mmp_mircea at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 19:55:26 EDT 2014

I would like to participate at GSOC and I have a nice ml idea.
I would like to implement a genetic algorithm that would generate a classifier ->  WHICH MEANS  : instaed of training a classifier i would like to generate one throught the process of selection crossover and mutation. The classifier is going to be a neural network and instead of training this neural network with back prop I could generate its synaptic weights through GA. 

Also since ada boost is a fairly simple algorithm i would like to implement that as well.
I have implemented in the past ada boost and also I have trained ANN with GA, and i would like to contribute to mlpack with this algortihms.
I hope I didn't contact you too late.
Thank you for your time !

Best regards,
Muresan Mircea Paul
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