[mlpack] Willing to join mlpack community

Ryan Curtin gth671b at mail.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 12 14:47:22 EDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 12:00:34AM +0530, Ankit Shah wrote:
> I want to work for mlpack. I'm a third year undergraduate and have taken an
> elementary course on machine learning a month ago online on
> coursera<http://www.coursera.com>.
> I'm very fond of open source and would love to contribute to same. I read
> the ideas page linked on the google-melange mlpack page. I'm very familiar
> and used to with C and C++. I've also some basic knowledge of Python as
> I've taken a course on Introduction to Python. Also I use Ubuntu as my
> primary OS and hence would also feel free to work on the debian packaging
> problem.
> Please suggest what all do I need to learn or read so as to start
> contributing to the open source community of mlpack. As an amateur and as
> per your free slots what project form the idea's page should I work on ?

Hello Ankit,

Thanks for getting in touch.  If you are interested in the Debian
packaging process, you should read the Debian New Maintainers' Guide:


The process for becoming a Debian maintainer, to my knowledge, involves
doing some reviews for other packages, finding a mentor, and then
finally once that is done mlpack can be submitted and reviews by other
Debian maintainers and developers.

If that doesn't interest you, I am planning on doing it when I have some
time, but I have not yet found the time.

Three of the projects on the ideas list were selected for this year's
Google Summer of Code: the automatic bindings project, the automatic
benchmarks project, and the collaborative filtering project.  So any of
the other projects on that list, if they interest you, you can jump in
on and I will try to help where I can.

As for getting started with mlpack, the tutorials page should provide
some useful documentation on getting comfortable with the library, using
the command-line executables, and understanding the code:


Let me know if I can help out further.



Ryan Curtin       | "Open the pig!"
ryan at igglybob.com |   - Frank Moses

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