[mlpack] Willing to join mlpack community

Ankit Shah shahankit2313 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 14:30:34 EDT 2013

I want to work for mlpack. I'm a third year undergraduate and have taken an
elementary course on machine learning a month ago online on
I'm very fond of open source and would love to contribute to same. I read
the ideas page linked on the google-melange mlpack page. I'm very familiar
and used to with C and C++. I've also some basic knowledge of Python as
I've taken a course on Introduction to Python. Also I use Ubuntu as my
primary OS and hence would also feel free to work on the debian packaging

Please suggest what all do I need to learn or read so as to start
contributing to the open source community of mlpack. As an amateur and as
per your free slots what project form the idea's page should I work on ?

Ankit Shah
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