[mlpack] A Friendly Hello + Contribution Idea

Patrick Cando pcando02 at dcs.bbk.ac.uk
Fri Mar 22 08:20:16 EDT 2019

Hi Ryan, Marcus and everyone else in the MLPack community,

Permit me to start with a friendly introduction! My name is Patrick. I'm
currently coming to the end of my MSc in Data Science at Birkbeck College,
University of London. Prior to my MSc I was employed as a Support Engineer
working for a logistics software company in London, and have held roles for
the likes of Unilever and 20th Century Fox before that. I work mostly with
Python and C++, but still wake up at night in sweats, remembering days gone
past, whereby I've been lost for days in various jar files.

I've been working with my supervisor Professor George Magoulas on some EA
implementation ideas, but given the popularity of the NEAT project, I
wanted to see if there was a possibility of working on the string utility
deliverable and integrate that as my MSc project? I think it could be a
great way for me to get to know the community and library better, as well
as submit something for the MSc, before trying to move on to some other

My proposal for work needs to be submitted by April 15, so would love to
know if this is a possibility, as I'm not sure I'll be able to make it in
time for GSOC '19.

Cheers all and good luck to everyone applying to GSOC; some great ideas
coming in.

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