[mlpack] Greetings and Some Question for MLPack

problemset problemset at 163.com
Tue Dec 25 22:07:48 EST 2018

Hi Ryan and fellow Mlpack contributors,

Great to know this awesome community. I am Xiaohong Ji, undergraduate student from Wuhan University. My research interest is machine learning and deep reinforcement learning, so I am interested in project reinforcement learning. Currently, I am going to implement the prioritized experience replay and open a [PR](https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/pull/1614) in github. 

Due to a little bit unfamiliar with the codebase with this project, here is some dumps question. Hope someone can help me to go though them and thank you in advance. 

1: how to design class inherited from base class in mlpack ?
I'd like to implement PER inherited from RandomReplay, but most of part attributes are private, should I redesign the structure?

2: how to build part of module, such as the reinforcement learning part which I implement right now?
Test and build all the module maybe take a little bit long time.

3: how to make specific unit test, which I mean test the part which I implement?
The reason is the same above.

Finally,  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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