[mlpack] Greetings : GSOC 19 participation

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Thu Dec 20 11:49:14 EST 2018

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:27:59PM +0530, Rohan Raj wrote:
> Please let me know the organization's plans for GSOC'19. Also, could you
> please let me know the organization's project ideas for algorithm
> development / testing in the field of reinforcement learning?

Hi Rohan,

Nice to hear from you again. :)  Our plan is currently to apply for GSoC
2019, but note that organization application isn't open yet, so we don't
yet know if we will be accepted.

> I have a few open PRs with mlpack. I am planning to complete the work as
> soon as possible. Could you please let me know if there are any specific
> work that I could do in the meantime?

My suggestion would be that there are lots of open PRs including yours
that I would like to see finished and merged, so I'd point you towards
that. :)  There are lots of open issues too, so another idea would be to
try and help people out there.

> I would like to inform you that I am the lead collaborator for keras-rl <
> https://github.com/keras-rl/keras-rl>. I am very excited to be a part of
> Mlpack.

Nice!  Perhaps there might be some future in investigating the use of
mlpack as a backend for Keras (but the time may not be right for
this---just tossing the idea out there).

Hope this helps!



Ryan Curtin    | "And the last thing I would ever do is lie to you."
ryan at ratml.org |   - Marlon

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