[mlpack] Potential GSOC student interested in contributing to ML pack

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Tue Nov 28 09:38:19 EST 2017

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 09:11:10AM +0530, Kumaranath Fernando wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks for your response, yes I created a simple Hello World  C++ console
> application in Visual Studio 2015 and it worked fine!
> However, I'm not too sure how I could check the c++ compiler version
> though! Any help on this?

Hi Kumaranath,

If you're using Visual Studio 2015, then the compiler should be new
enough.  You could check the exact version with something like what's
suggested in this post:


However I'm not too sure of what the real problem is in your situation.
The compiler seems to be installed and working, but for some reason
CMake is not able to compile and run a simple C++ test program.  When
you configure CMake, it builds a number of simple test programs to
ensure that your compiler has all the necessary features.  But based on
the log output you gave, one of these tests appears to be failing to
compile for some reason.

It might be tricky, but I think the right approach might be to dig into
the (long) CMake error log and try to reproduce the exact code that
CMake is failing to compile during the configuration, and try to compile
that code by hand (in the same way you compiled a simple Hello World
example).  Unfortunately past that I'm not sure I can give too much
advice; I've never seen CMake fail to configure when the compiler is

Another idea might be to try on a different system (maybe with a
different OS like Linux or OS X)...

Hope that helps.



Ryan Curtin    | 
ryan at ratml.org | "Death is the road to awe."

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