[mlpack] Prospective student for GSOC 2017: Willingness to contribute

Marcus Edel marcus.edel at fu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 15 15:21:00 EST 2017

Hello Kumaranath,

Welcome and thanks for getting in touch. Since you haven't asked any specific question,
let me point you to some helpful links. One interesting link, if you have not
already seen it, is:


Also there are a few issues on Github that might be a good place to jump in;
we tag them by difficulty, so here are the "easy" tickets:


But I see there are not very many right now; There are "moderate"
difficult tickets too:


Maybe some of those are interesting? Also, if you would like to implement
machine learning algorithms that mlpack currently doesn't have, contributions
like that are more than welcome.  If you can provide a fast, well-tested
implementation it would be great to include it in mlpack. Let us know if we can
clarify anything further.


> On 15 Jan 2017, at 16:07, K2K <kumaranathfernando at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm a third-year student of Informatics Institute of Technology Sri Lanka, and I hereby express my willingness to contribute to on-going developments on your open source projects.
> I'm quite passionate on concepts of machine learning and deep learning and be really glad to give my fullest cooperation.
> I've also had prior experience in version controlling, Object Oriented programming &designing, design patterns, java web applications, javascript, angular js, Object Relational Mapping(ORM), handling apache tomcat servers and so forth.
> I'm seeking for an opportunity to participate in the upcoming GSOC 2017.
> Anticipating your kind response.!!
> Regards,
> Kumaranath Fernando 
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