[mlpack] mlpack 2.0.2 released

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Mon Jun 20 16:14:54 EDT 2016

Hello there,

Today I have released mlpack 2.0.2, which includes a number of
enhancements.  It can be found at


The full list of changes can be found at
http://www.mlpack.org/history.html, but here are a few that I think are

 * Added the mlpack_preprocess_split program, which can split a dataset
   into a training and test set.

 * Refactoring of LSH for speed.

 * Added better backtrace support (available when compiling with
   debugging symbols).

 * Renamed mlpack_allknn, mlpack_allkfn, and mlpack_allkrann to
   mlpack_knn, mlpack_kfn, and mlpack_krann, respectively.  Legacy
   versions with the original names will remain until mlpack 3.0.0.

 * Some fixes for KMeans support for empty clusters.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed!  The development pace is
definitely picking up with Summer of Code 2016, so I am hopeful that I
can find the time to keep up regular releases so that we can get that
code available quickly.  (And if anyone wants to volunteer to help with
releases just let me know---it isn't so hard. :))

If you have any problems or would like to contribute your own code, feel
free to get in touch on Github at https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack or on
IRC in #lugatgt on freenode.

Ryan Curtin    | "That rug really tied the room together."
ryan at ratml.org |   - The Dude

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