[mlpack] (no subject)

Tarun Sharma tarunsuper at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 08:52:37 EST 2015

Hello Ryan,
       My IRC nickname was 'tarun_ml_enthusiast' .If you remember i
had been working on the CFTest bug of improving its build time about a
month back. I had put in alot of effort into understanding the problem
rather than trying to mess around values of tolerance as you had
suggested. I had gone to the level of googling what is matrix
factorization at one point. I admit i have not been able to make any
contributions until now unfortunately, but i feel i have set off in
the right direction. I have explored the structure of mlpack many
times and have taken courses in linear algebra and advanced data
structures in college to strengthen my basics.

I would love to work on the GSOC 2015 implement tree types idea. The
github page says the list of relevant bugs to be #184, #275, #272,
#227, #228, #289.

But i wasnt able to find these bugs in the active tickets page in track.
Can you help me getting started off by telling me where i can find these bugs.

Thank you,
Tarun Sharma

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