[mlpack] Interested in two projects floated for GSOC15

Jaskaran Singh jaskaranvirdi1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 12:34:17 EST 2015

I'm interested in contributing to mlpack in any of the following projects:

1)Implement various Tree Types:

I am currently going through the binary_space_tree and cover_tree codes.
I've understood the two types of bounding boxes being used and have gone
through most of the code in the tree folder to gather a gist of what is
I will soon be checking the assigned tickets to this project.

Is there a rectangle_tree folder too?Or is it yet to be implemented?

2)Spectral based manifold learning:

I have already implemented MDS and isomap in MATLAB as programming
assignments for a machine learning course at my college.So, I have some
idea about manifold learning.I'm ready to read literature if need be.

The problem is which one should I go with, as my GSOC project?
And if I select either of them, how should I proceed from here?

*Jaskaran Singh Virdi*
*Final Year Undergrad Computer Science*
*IIT Ropar*
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