[mlpack] How to keep object when searching neighbors?

Li Dong dongli at lasg.iap.ac.cn
Wed Jan 15 04:11:39 EST 2014

Dear MLPACK team,

I would like to use the NeighborSearch utility in my numerical advection scheme for finding out which mesh cells will be affected by a tracer parcel (measured by some shape function). In my codes, the tracer parcel is an object of class Tracer and the mesh cell is an object of class MeshCell. Both Tracer and MeshCell derive from class Point which has an attribute of space coordinate. To my current knowledge of MLPACK, it reads matrix in and writes matrix output, so I need to extract coordinates of both tracers and cells to form the input matrix, and construct the cell list for each tracer from the output matrix manually. I don’t think this is efficient, since the searching must be done every time step. Could I send the lists of Point in and get the lists of Point out?

I just started to use MLPACK, forgive my ignorance!

Thank you!

P.S. I also studied locality-sensitive hashing, and I would like to know which searching method is more efficient.

Best regards,


Dr. Li Dong (董理)
LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
P.O. Box 9804
Beijing 100029, China
Phone: 8610-8299 5143

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