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Dataset and Experimentation Tools - Week 9

Dataset and Experimentation Tools - Week 9

Keon Kim, 26 July 2016

This week, pull request for DatasetMapper & Imputer is merged. I thank Zoq, Rcurtin and especially, Tham for all the feedbacks. I feel like I gave them more work than I did.

DatasetMapper & Imputer

1) I added Impute() function that applies imputation to all dimensions in the given matrix.

2) I made a program called mlpack_preprocess_check (previously called mlpack_preprocess_verify in this blog). I will make a pull request after adding comments and docs.

Descriptive Statistics

1) After discussing a little how to manage statistics class, I put it into the preprocess/ folder because it will only be used for preprocess_describe command line program. It's sole purpose is to provide cleaner interface. I might even consider removing the class because the code length became too large for a small program. I will make this decision as soon as possible and make a pull request next week.

2) I optimized some functions in statistics class.

3) changed class Statistics to DescriptiveStatistics to be more specific.


1) I made lists of algorithms implemented in mlpack in and updated to date.


1) I replaced cross_validation's split function with data::Split() inside dt_utils. I will make a pull request regarding this after a few performance checks.