[mlpack] Layer with a regularizer: should it work?

Ryan Mitchley ryan at peralex.com
Wed Mar 31 09:26:58 EDT 2021

Hi all,

I have tried adding a L2Regularizer to a Linear ANN layer instead of the 
default NoRegularizer.
Making the default NoRegularizer explicit works:
FFN<NegativeLogLikelihood<>, RandomInitialization> model;
model.Add<Linear<arma::mat, arma::mat, NoRegularizer>>(24 * uInRows * 
uInCols, uNumCategories, NoRegularizer());

However, the following produces a slew of incomprehensible compiler errors:
model.Add<Linear<arma::mat, arma::mat, L2Regularizer>>(24 * uInRows * 
uInCols, uNumCategories, L2Regularizer(0.1));

The error messages end with:
*,mlpack::ann::MoreTypes>>>::push_back(const _Ty &)': cannot convert 
argument 1 from 'LayerType *' to 'const _Ty &' 
mlpack-3.4.2\src\mlpack\methods\ann\ffn.hpp    290

Should I expect this to work? I don't see any use of regularizers in the 
examples. However, the LRegularizer code is in the library so I imagine 
I could be using this incorrectly?

Thanks for any help.
Best regards,

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