[mlpack] mlpack video meeting, Wednesday Aug. 28th, 1400 UTC

Ryan Curtin ryan at ratml.org
Sun Aug 25 21:20:37 EDT 2019

Hello everyone,

I meant to send this out on Friday but unfortunately got sidetracked!
Anyway, I took a look at the whenisgood and I did the best I could with
everyone's preferred times, and the best is that we could satisfy about
90% of people when meeting at 1400 UTC on Wednesday, August 28th.

This time, we can try to use Zoom:


However, I only have a free Zoom account, so we'll only get 40 minutes
to meet (and then we can just rejoin and continue if needed).

Here was my idea for a basic agenda, but we don't have to stick to it.

 - How is everyone doing? :)  What is everyone up to?

 - mlpack development update
    * I'll put together some slides about what's happened since the last
      meeting, just like I did last time, and highlight developments and

 - Release planning:
    * what should go into the next release
    * when should the next release happen
    * should it be mlpack 3.2.0, 3.1.2, etc.?
    * what are the states of open PRs, and what do we want to do with

 - GSoC update/retrospective:
    * we can talk about the status of each project and what we're hoping
      for moving forward

 - Open mic topics (just some ideas):
    * What should we change (if anything) about how we develop software
      as a group?
    * Is there anything we could improve?  Is everyone having a good
    * Are there any big problems that we are overlooking that need to be
      addressed, but aren't on Github as issues?
    * Are there any big problems that we are overlooking that *are* on
      Github as issues?

Hope to see you there!  And if you can't make it, we can send out some
notes of discussion afterwards so that nobody misses anything.



Ryan Curtin    | "I like this game."
ryan at ratml.org |   - Coach

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