[mlpack] Question about Armadillo

Kirill Mishchenko ki.mishchenko at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 00:10:06 EDT 2017

Hi mlpack community!

I’m not sure it is a right place to ask a question that I want to ask, but, anyway, maybe somebody will be eager to answer. Otherwise, just ignore this message.

I have encountered some unexpected behaviour with the Armadillo library. The following code snippet works as expected:

template<typename T>
void f(const T& arg)
  arma::mat m = arg;

  f(arma::join_rows(arma::zeros(2).t(), arma::zeros(2).t()));

But if I run the following

  const auto& ref = arma::join_rows(arma::zeros(2).t(), arma::zeros(2).t());
  arma::mat m = ref;

I get this error:

unknown location:0: fatal error: in "ArmaExtendTest/RefTest2": memory access violation at address: 0x00000000: no mapping at fault address

Surprisingly, if run the following code snippet

  const auto& ref = arma::join_rows(arma::zeros(2), arma::zeros(2));
  arma::mat m = ref;

everything is ok again.

Are there any thoughts why I observe such behaviour?

Best regards,

Kirill Mishchenko

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