[mlpack] Implementation of HOGWILD! in mlpack

Shikhar Bhardwaj shikharbhardwaj68 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 16:50:31 EDT 2017

Hello everyone!

Yannis and I have been discussing over the past few days about the
implementation of Parallel SGD using the ideas presented in the HOGWILD!
paper(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.5730.pdf). We also have at hand an
implementation of the algorithm by the authors of the paper(
http://i.stanford.edu/hazy/victor/Hogwild/) and a talk given by one of the
authors about the algorithm (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5JqUvTdZts)
(the part relevant to the parallel algorithm starts ~26 min).
Overall, we've been able to identify the fact that the algorithm (with its
free for all update model and simple work sharing description) does not
contain a lot of complexity. The paper describes a hypergraph structure on
the loss function to be minimised. However, a sizeable amount of complexity
goes into the implementation of the description of this loss function
(which depends on the particular problem being solved by the Optimizer).
The main concern we have right now is to separate this complexity (of
defining the loss function) from the Implementation of the Optimizer, while
maintaining reasonable ease of use. The iterative procedure of the
algorithm (which is shared across the processors) uses parts of this
Hypergraph structure.
Do we need to introduce another function interface (SparseFunctionType),
which allows us to maintain and ask for this structure in the Optimizer?
The author's implementation is quite difficult to understand. Any insights
would be helpful.

Shikhar Bhardwaj
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