[mlpack] Alternatives to neighborhood-based collaborative filtering for GSOC 2016

b venk awakeprotocol at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 14:52:48 EST 2016

Respected Sir ,
I am Venkatesh , a Computer Science student from India. I am interested in
contributing to the project "Alternatives to neighborhood-based
collaborative filtering".
I have been reading about a few matrix factorization models for the same.
One of the models that I  propose to implement is the  modified SVD
,(SVD++) that makes use of implicit feedback using classes from mlpack::svd
namespace for recommendation.
The method is well described here (here) .

Also I propose to implement models that use time factors , (like the rating
drop of a movie  over time etc). Other models that would be implemented
includes the weight based  kNN (that is mentioned in the project
description). The data that I would be using to test my models would be
from Netflix
and Kaggle. I have been working with C++ for the past 5 years and am good
with  implementation. I request for your valuable suggestions / additional

I also thank you for contributing to this wonderful project - mlpack.

Thank you.
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