[mlpack] unable to compile sample det program

Piyush Jaiswal piyush.jaiswal at st.niituniversity.in
Mon Dec 5 17:23:19 EST 2016

Hello everyone,
I am new to mlpack and was trying to compile a sample program regarding
'det' but I keep getting some errors.
OS - Ubuntu 16.04

*The program:*

*#include <mlpack/methods/det/dtree.hpp>using namespace mlpack::det;// The
dataset matrix, on which to learn the density estimation tree.extern
arma::Mat<float> data;// Initialize the tree.  This function also creates
and saves the bounding box// of the data.  Note that it does not actually
build the tree.DTree<> det(data);*

Error link - http://pastie.org/10977207

Compile command:   g++ Dtree_test.cpp -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2
-L/usr/lib/ -larmadillo -L/usr/local/lib -lmlpack -std=c++11

I tried removing and building mlpack again from source (as I though it
might be an installation error), but the error message didn't change.
Any kind of suggestion would be really helpful.

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