[mlpack] compile with Xcode

Shangtong Zhang zhangshangtong.cpp at qq.com
Fri Jan 30 09:11:55 EST 2015


I updated my forked mlpack to the latest and try to build it.
I use‘cmake ../‘to generate makefile, then everything is OK.
But when I use‘cmake -G“Xcode”‘ to get a xcode project,
I meet errorwhen compiling inXcode.
In line 53, regression_distribution.hpp,
RegressionDistribution(const arma::mat predictors,
            const arma::vec responses) :
   rf(regression::LinearRegression(predictors, responses))
  err = GaussianDistribution(1);
  arma::mat cov(1, 1);
  cov(0, 0) = rf.ComputeError(predictors, responses);
I get an error : No matching member function for call to Covariance
Before I update, I can build it in xcode successfully.
Can anyone help me ? My OS is mavericks.


Shangtong Zhang,
Third Year Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science,
Fudan University, China.
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