[mlpack] Dissimilar matrices in multi-dimensional scaling

Dhawal Arora d.p.arora1 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 19:38:31 EST 2015

Hi Ryan,

I am going through the arpack_wrapper and other armadillo source, its a bit
abstruse but will probably figure it out after sometime.
So meanwhile i've started implementing multi-dimensional scaling before
generlized eigenvectors get wrapped. Should i continue with it? I guess
i've seen simple eigenvalue and eigenvectors already being used in PCA so
can work them through in MDS too. And regarding dissimilar matrices, should
i go with including them in MDS or i am thinking to probably create them
separately in core/math as these might include euclidean, manhattan,
maximum and a bunch of other distances. Thanks.

Dhawal Arora.
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