[mlpack] Google Summer of Code 2014 announcement

Marcus Edel marcus.edel at fu-berlin.de
Sun May 18 06:25:38 EDT 2014


As discussed in the GSoC kickoff meeting, we've set up a blog for anyone who wants to write about his project. Instead of a wordpress, we are using Pelican a static site generator that supports markdown and the reST syntax. Pelican requires no fancy services like a database or anything else like that. Just a web server and a bunch of resources (e.g. .html, .css, .js, images). In the next days we are starting to re-theme the blog so that it looks more like the mlpack site. A direct link to the blog is here:


To deploy the blog we use a GitHub feature that is called Post-Receive Hook which will POST to a URL when a repo has changed. We use that post request in combination with jenkins (build server) to run the commands to deploy the blog. Now every time you push to the repository, a build will be triggered within a couple of seconds. That way writing a blog article is simply pushing to the master branch of the repo. You can use the following commands to create a new blog post.

0. Clone the repository.
git clone git at github.com:zoq/blog.git

1. Get the latest changes from the remote repository and merge the changes into the current branch.
git pull

2. Create a new file that contains the blog post I use vim but you can use your editor of choice. The file should end with '.md' for markdown or '.rst' if you use restructuredtext to format your blog post.
vim content/blog/<filename of the new blog post>.md/rst

3. Add the new file to the index and commit the changes to the local repository.
git add content/blog/<filename of the new blog post>.md/rst
git commit -m "New blog post." 

4. Push the changes to the remote repository.
git push

Again you don't need to deal with generating the HTML with the Pelican command. Just checkout the repository and write your blog post directly with your editor of choice. Finally, you can also use the GitHub Markdown-ready online editor to create a new blog post right there on the fly. You don't have to be concerned about git configuration or even if git is available. Alternatively, for those of you who want to locally test the pelican script use the following pelican commands in the repository root directory:

pip install pelican jinja2 docutils pygments Markdown or apt-get install pelican jinja2 docutils pygments Markdown
git submodule update --init
make html
make serve
open in your browser of choice

The structure of the file (content/blog/<filename of the new blog post>.md/rst) that contains the blog post is really simple. As mentioned before you can use markdown or the reST syntax to write a blog post, you can even write a formula in latex. Markdown is really simple have a look at the following markdown reference:


Please set the following metadata attributes in the header of you blog post:

Title: Title of the blog post (e.g Welcome Google Summer of Code 2014 Students!)
Date: Date of the blog post (e.g. 2014-05-03 14:09:00
Tags: Some tags (e.g. gsoc)
Author: The author of the blog post (e.g. marcus)

Have a look at the example post:


One last thing, please send me your github username, so that I can give your access to the repository.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


On 05 May 2014, at 22:04, Ryan Curtin <gth671b at mail.gatech.edu> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 03:27:45PM -0400, Ryan Curtin wrote:
>> If you cannot make it, IRC logs are (sort of) available at
>> http://www.mlpack.org/irc/logs.html.  This is still being worked on and
>> will improve in the next few days...
> Just as an update, the logging system is (mostly) complete and you can
> see the results at http://www.mlpack.org/irc/logs.html .  A direct link
> to the Summer of Code kickoff meeting log is here:
> http://www.mlpack.org/irc/mlpack.20140501.html
> And if for some reason you are interested in the IRC logging system I
> hacked together, you can find it on Github:
> https://github.com/rcurtin/irclog
> -- 
> Ryan Curtin    | "I am the luckiest man alive!"
> ryan at ratml.org |   - General Borzov
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