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Alternatives to Neighborhood-Based CF - Week 1

Alternatives to Neighborhood-Based CF - Week 1

Wenhao Huang, 20 May 2018

The goal of my summer project is to improve the CF framework from different aspects, including rating normalization (aka. global effects removal), interpolation of neighborhood weights. I will also work on implmenting more expressive CF models like BiasSVD and SVD++.

For the first week, I have implmented all common-used data normalization methods: OverallMeanNormalization, UserMeanNormalization, ItemMeanNormalization, ZScoreNormalization, and CombinedNormalization<> which can apply several normalization methods in a sequential manner. Explanation on rating normalization and global effects removal can be found in this paper. Data normalization in CF complies with policy-based design, so a user can easily write a customized data normalization class. Normalization class needs to implement Normalize() and Denormalize() methods which are used to process ratings in CF. I have run an experiment with these normalization methods and found that, with normalization added, the performance of CF with the default factorizer can be significantly improved.

For the next week, I plan to add tests for the normalization classes to ensure they produce reasonable prediction accuracy. I will also start to investigate and implment different weight interpolation poclies for aggregation of neighborhood ratings.